IRIX 6.5 Applications 1999 May
SGI IRIX 6.5 Applications 1999 May.iso
Text File
326 lines
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2. _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n__I_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n
This chapter lists supplemental information to the _I_R_I_S
_S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _G_u_i_d_e. The information listed here is
product-specific; use it with the Installation Guide to
install InPerson
2.1 _I_n_P_e_r_s_o_n__S_u_b_s_y_s_t_e_m_s
InPerson includes these subsystems:
_I_n_P_e_r_s_o_n._s_w._I_n_P_e_r_s_o_n The phone application
(inperson), the conference
view (inpview), and the
whiteboard (inpboard) and
associated utilities.
_I_n_P_e_r_s_o_n._s_w._d_a_t_a Sound files for the phone and
default face files that are
installed under /usr/share.
_I_n_P_e_r_s_o_n._s_w._j_a_p_a_n_e_s_e InPerson Japanese localization
_I_n_P_e_r_s_o_n._m_a_n._I_n_P_e_r_s_o_n InPerson man pages.
_I_n_P_e_r_s_o_n._m_a_n._r_e_l_n_o_t_e_s InPerson release notes (this
_I_n_P_e_r_s_o_n._b_o_o_k_s._I_n_P_e_r_s_o_n__U_G The InPerson User's Guide and
Help (an on-line Insight
document). Contains step-by-
step instructions for using
InPerson. Necessary if you
want to use InPerson's online
_I_n_P_e_r_s_o_n._b_o_o_k_s._I_n_P_e_r_s_o_n__A_G The InPerson Setup and
Administration Guide (an on-
line Insight document).
Contains information to help
you set up your network for
InPerson. Also contains all
of the troubleshooting
information. Necessary to
make Troubleshooting help
topics accessible.
In addition, the IRIX 6.5 CDs contain several additional
software packages that you can use in setting up a complete
collaborative development environment.
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+o PeoplePages, the IRIX Interactive Desktop phonebook,
provides users with a list of all users on their
corporate network that have InPerson, as well as a
place to store information about people and places.
+o _I_s_d_n_a_d_m_i_n graphical tools for configuring your Indy's
ISDN line. _i_s_d_n_s_e_t_u_p and _p_p_p_s_e_t_u_p ease setup and
configuration of ISDN and PPP software; no more editing
configuration files. In previous releases, isdnadmin
was known as adminmagic.
+o Iris Annotator: an authoring environment for annotating
3D models. Analogous to 2D red-lining, Annotator
allows you to annotate a 3D model using 3D markers. You
can the create and/or import multimedia notes (text,
images, sound, movies) to attach to the markers.
Finally, you can save the annotated model and mail it
to someone for review using MediaMail.
2.2 _I_n_P_e_r_s_o_n__S_u_b_s_y_s_t_e_m__D_i_s_k__S_p_a_c_e__R_e_q_u_i_r_e_m_e_n_t_s
This section lists the subsystems (and their sizes) of
If you are installing this option for the first time, the
subsystems marked ``default'' are installed if you use the
``go'' menu item in _i_n_s_t. To install a different set of
subsystems, use the ``install,'' ``remove,'' ``keep,'' and
``step'' commands in _i_n_s_t to customize the list of
subsystems to be installed, then select the ``go'' menu
Note: The listed subsystem sizes are approximate. Refer to
the _I_R_I_S _S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _G_u_i_d_e for information
on finding exact sizes.
Subsystem Name Subsystem Size
_I_n_P_e_r_s_o_n._b_o_o_k_s._I_n_P_e_r_s_o_n__A_G (default) 720
_I_n_P_e_r_s_o_n._b_o_o_k_s._I_n_P_e_r_s_o_n__U_G (default) 2000
_I_n_P_e_r_s_o_n._m_a_n._I_n_P_e_r_s_o_n (default) 20
_I_n_P_e_r_s_o_n._m_a_n._r_e_l_n_o_t_e_s (default) 30
_I_n_P_e_r_s_o_n._s_w._I_n_P_e_r_s_o_n (default) 3020
_I_n_P_e_r_s_o_n._s_w._d_a_t_a (default) 1300
_I_n_P_e_r_s_o_n._s_w._j_a_p_a_n_e_s_e 50
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_T_o_t_a_l 8000
2.3 _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n__M_e_t_h_o_d
The InPerson and PeoplePages images may be installed using
IRIX. Some of the prerequisite IRIX software requires
miniroot installation.
Refer to the _I_R_I_S _S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _G_u_i_d_e for complete
installation instructions.
2.4 _P_r_e_r_e_q_u_i_s_i_t_e_s
InPerson 2.2.1 requires that your workstation be running
IRIX 6.5 with the following subsystems installed:
Subsystem Name Method Installation CD
_c++__e_o_e._s_w._l_i_b IRIX 6.5 CD
_d_e_s_k_t_o_p__b_a_s_e._s_w._d_s_o IRIX 6.5 CD
_d_e_s_k_t_o_p__b_a_s_e._s_w._F_i_l_e_T_y_p_i_n_g_R_u_l_e_s IRIX 6.5 CD
_d_m_e_d_i_a__e_o_e._s_w._b_a_s_e _M_i_n_i_r_o_o_t _6._5 _C_D
_d_m_e_d_i_a__e_o_e._s_w._a_u_d_i_o Miniroot 6.5 CD
_e_o_e._s_w._g_f_x Miniroot 6.5 CD
_e_o_e._s_w._i_r_i_x__l_i_b Miniroot 6.5 CD
_e_o_e._s_w._g_l_t_o_o_l_s IRIX 6.5 CD
_i_l__e_o_e._s_w._c++ IRIX 6.5 CD
_i_n_v_e_n_t_o_r__e_o_e._s_w._i_n_v_e_n_t_o_r IRIX 6.5 CD
_m_o_t_i_f__e_o_e._s_w._e_o_e IRIX 6.5 CD
_p_r_i_n_t._s_w._d_e_s_k_t_o_p IRIX 6.5 CD
_t_o_o_l_t_a_l_k__e_o_e._s_w._r_u_n_t_i_m_e IRIX 6.5 CD
_t_o_o_l_t_a_l_k__e_o_e._s_w._l_i_n_k_s IRIX 6.5 CD
_x__e_o_e._s_w._e_o_e IRIX 6.5 CD
_V_i_e_w_K_i_t__e_o_e._s_w._b_a_s_e IRIX 6.5 CD
In addition to the above prerequisites, additional
subsystems should be installed on video-capable systems. It
is not necessary to install video-related subsystems on
systems without video hardware.
On O2 systems, the Camera confidence test is in the
following subsystem
from the 6.5 CD:
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_m_v_p._s_w._C_o_n_f_i_d_e_n_c_e IRIX 6.5 CD
On Indy systems, install the following subsystem from the
6.5 CD:
_v_i_n_o._s_w._e_o_e Miniroot 6.5 CD
On Indigo, Indigo2 or Indy systems with EV1 video boards
(Galileo, Indigo2Video, or IndyVideo), install the following
subsystems from the 6.5 CD:
_g_a_l_i_l_e_o._s_w._e_o_e Miniroot 6.5 CD
Finally, sgihelp must be installed to access on-line help,
and insight must be installed to view the InPerson User's
Guide and Administration Guide.
2.5 _C_o_n_f_i_g_u_r_a_t_i_o_n__F_i_l_e_s
There are some resources that control the behavior of
InPerson. Advanced users can change these resources by
editing configuration files. See the InPerson man page (mmmmaaaannnn
iiiinnnnppppeeeerrrrssssoooonnnn) for details. /_u_s_r/_l_i_b/_X_1_1/_a_p_p-_d_e_f_a_u_l_t_s/_I_n_P_e_r_s_o_n
contains resources that users might want to change. You
should copy this file to $_H_O_M_E/._d_e_s_k_t_o_p-<_h_o_s_t_n_a_m_e>/_I_n_P_e_r_s_o_n.
and following the instructions at the beginning of the file.
Note: If you install InPerson from the miniroot, you will
see a scary error message from _i_c_o_n_b_o_o_k_e_d_i_t when the
post-installation commands are run. The error is not
harmful, though you need to run the following command
as root:
iiiiccccoooonnnnbbbbooooooookkkkeeeeddddiiiitttt ----aaaadddddddd """"CCCCaaaatttteeeeggggoooorrrryyyy::::FFFFiiiilllleeee NNNNaaaammmmeeee::::////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////iiiinnnnppppeeeerrrrssssoooonnnn"""" \\\\
----ssssyyyyssssppppaaaaggggeeee AAAApppppppplllliiiiccccaaaattttiiiioooonnnnssss
to have the InPerson icon appear in the Desktop's
Icon Catalog. (The command above is shown as two
lines due to typographical constraints.)
2.6 _R_e_c_o_m_m_e_n_d_e_d__M_a_x_i_m_u_m__C_o_n_f_e_r_e_n_c_e__C_o_n_f_i_g_u_r_a_t_i_o_n_s
The following tables show the recommended maximum number of
participants per conference assuming default settings and
using a 10 Mb/sec or faster network. Multiple conferences
at the same time may reduce these numbers due to network
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bandwidth limitations.
Static Image Only
Indy R4000PC systems 4-6 users
Indy R4600PC systems 6-8 users
Indy R4600SC systems 8-10 users
R5000,R4000SC and R4400SC systems 8-10 users
Using HDCC video compression
Indy R4000PC with VINO 2 users
Indy R4600PC with VINO 4-5 users
Indy R4x00SC with VINO 5-6 users
Indigo2 with Galileo/Indigo2Video 2 users
Using H.261 video compression
Indy R4000PC with VINO 2 users
Indy R4600PC with VINO 2 users
Indy R5000,R4x00SC with VINO 3-4 users
Indigo2 with Galileo/Indigo2Video 2 users
Note: R4x00SC systems include Indy, Indigo and Indigo2
Over ISDN networks, conferences must be limited to two
participants, regardless of CPU configuration. In addition,
both B channels of the ISDN line should be used. See "Known
Problems in the InPerson Call View (inpview)" in Chapter 4
for appropriate PPP configuration information.